Crowd Funding for the ‘ARUP’ Viability Study

A quick summary of how to contribute:


How much needs to be raised?

If the fixed link project is to get under way, public crowd-funding is now necessary to complete the essential initial element, which is the THE VIABILITY STUDY

The recently reviewed price (2024) is £115,000 plus £23,000 VAT, to have the study completed by Arup. Total is £138,000.

The Barclays account for a bank transfer contribution is:

Sort code 20-60-55
Account # 73023761

As at August 2024. £32,000 has been raised, with £106,000 still required to start the ARUP VIABILITY STUDY .

Contributions paid directly into the above ‘Pro-Link Campaign Community account’ can be refunded at any time if required.

Alternatively, if you’d prefer to add funds for the study by using a crowdfunding platform, please click HERE


The Solent Freedom Tunnel will provide the transport capacity required for future decades, creating the foundation for incredible social and economic benefits for the IOW and the Solent region as a whole… READ ABOUT THE SCHEME

The two ferry companies control the Isle of Wight’s ‘establishment’, influencing heavily upon the IOW Council, Visit IOW and the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, etc. Red Funnel and Wightlink are desperate to stop this VIABILITY STUDY which will potentially end their grip on island control. The much needed study was recommended originally by the IOW Transport Infrastructure Taskforce… READ MORE.


A brief financial history of the campaign.

Pro-Link has banked with Barclays at St James Square in Newport, from the start of the campaign. The ‘Pro-Link Community Bank account’ was set up on the 23rd March 2015 and since that date, a total of £3,791.16 was donated to the campaign… mainly through a GoFundMe platform. The total campaign outgoings over the whole period till the date of 26th September 2018 had been £1,917.30 with a balance left of £1,873.86. That residual balance has been added to the ‘ARUP’ study fund.

Pro-Link has managed its finances responsibly

What is the best way to crowd fund?

Bank Transfer.

Crowdfunding platforms are easy to manage and donate to, but they charge roughly 3-5% of the donation in fees. For this reason, Pro-Link is recommending direct bank transfer into the ‘Pro-Link Community Bank account’.

The Barclays account for bank transfer contribution is:

Sort code 20-60-55
Account # 73023761

Direct bank transfers offer two advantages over funding platforms. 

      1. All your donation goes to the cause… with no funding platform fees charged. 
      2. You can have your contribution returned for any reason before the study is initiated.

How can i have my contribution refunded if required?

Make sure you use the reference section when you make your deposit. State your sort code first (six numbers) and then your account number (eight numbers). This will allow Pro-Link to understand which bank account the donation eminated from. Those details will allow the refund.

How do i contribute to the study using a bank transfer?
1 / Open the banking App on your device or computer and head to the pay or transfer facility.
2/ Enter the recipient details for your Donation: Pro-Link Community account sort code: 20-60-55 account # 73023761
3/ Enter the amount you wish to donate to the study fund. *Make sure that your bank sort code (6 numbers) followed by your account details (8 numbers) are included in the “reference” section. Then press send.

The sooner the fundraising is achieved, the sooner the study can be initiated.

Contributors can be any person or any business… mainland or island based. Anonymity is assured as a default, unless you ask for your details to be published.

What if i don’t have a bank account to make a donation?

Contribute using GoFundMe

Use the GoFundMe platform which will direct donations into the Pro-Link Community account. Click Here

If you do donate, thank you. The study is closer due to you.