What is this web page about exactly?
Corruption, collusion… or just a lack of constituent representation from an MP? It is for the reader to decide. Pro-Link however, believes that Bob Seely was working on behalf of Wightlink to secure the best market price for its 50% equity sale – creating several infringements of Parliamentary codes of conduct.
On the 9th January, 2019, MP – Bob Seely was introduced by Macquarie Investment Bank Vice President – Alex Kornman, to ARUP Director – Jonathan Turton by email :
‘Let me please introduce you to Bob Seely, MP for the Isle of Wight. Bob is — among other things — interested in (i) ways the government can be more efficient in delivering infrastructure improvements and (ii) what infrastructure improvements the government should be focusing on. Given your new role and broader team, I thought you would be a good person to connect with, and that you might have some time to discuss with Bob. Can I leave it with you to connect to Bob?
Bob Seely knew that Jonathan Turton is the Director responsible for the proposed Solent Freedom Tunnel viability study. Due to his personal interests in the IOW ferry companies, Bob Seely has a history of attempting to sabotage the IOW Fixed Link Campaign.
Jonathan replied:
“In the interests of transparency I should raise an immediate matter which is that I am the director in Arup who has offered to help the Island with the proposed fixed link study should the funding be raised. Having examined the case initially when I was in charge of the transport team at KPMG a couple of years ago, I am pretty familiar with the potential economics and how such schemes work commercially and financially in other places. I am unclear on your position with regard to the study – I am staying completely neutral, objective and independent and trying to steer well clear of the politics which I know are challenging – but I would imagine that as MP you would be as keen as mustard to get such a study done to get professional, evidence based answers to the questions posed by the infra task force?”
Bob Seely replied, ignoring the reference to the viability study:
“Jon, Hi. I would be very interested in talking about railway infrastructure with you. Would you be available to chat by phone at some point? Alex has mentioned you have very considerable expertise in the area. Bob”
A phone call was preferred by Bob Seely presumably as it is inadmissible. Jonathan Turton is not a rail expert. He is an expert advisor of transport infrastructure ‘funding’ and business case modelling. However, Bob Seely is aware of Jonathan Turton’s own personal frustration with traveling by rail.
Jonathan replied:
“Hi Bob, Yes sure, I know a little bit about railway infrastructure, but wouldn’t claim to be an expert. Very happy to have a chat though and understand what you are thinking about. I am pretty flat out next week but could schedule a call in the w/c 21st January if that works? Amy – please can you try to book something in with Bob. Kind Regards Jon.”
No more is heard from Bob Seely from that point.
The complete email thread is at the lower end of this page.
Pro-Link has been informed in March 2018 by now ex Co-Director of political lobbying company ‘Chine Consultancy’ – Rachel Bushby, that “the Isle of Wight will never get a fixed link while Bob Seely is MP… because Wightlink is a major client of us” [Chine Consultancy].
Bob Seely works at Westminster for political lobbying company ‘Chine Consultancy’ (now ‘David Pugh Associates Ltd). David Pugh is also Bob Seely’s campaign manager and orchestrator of his immersion into the island political scene since losing a bid to become Broxtowe, Nottinghamshire MP in 2005. He is also the Chair of the IOW Conservative Association and Chair of the selection committee. David Pugh works for Wightlink (has never denied it) and the mp’s cousin – Patrick Seely has now been made a Red Funnel executive Director.
This web page and email evidence below, will show:
- Clear interference by the MP – Bob Seely, in an attempt to influence ARUP Director – Jonathan Turton to drop the Solent Freedom Tunnel viability Study in a near identical way to the TIM COOPER EPISODE IN 2018 (Email 1. introduction via Macquarie vice President – Alex Kornman)
- That when Jonathan Turton spoke of the fixed link viability study, the MP ignored it. It was ignored even though the IOW TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE TASK FORCE recommended a viability study… and all INDEPENDENT POLLS also having the constituency majority supporting that.
- That the MP has implicated himself as a ‘tool’ for Macquarie investment Bank, to delay or halt the ARUP viability study while sale negotiations were ongoing for Wightlink. The study if started, would have plummeted the net worth of Wightlink during the purchase stages of the 50% buyout by Fierra, which Macquarie was negotiating.
- That it was simple for the MP to have used social media initially to find Jonathan Turton’s rail infrastructure frustrations, before contacting him. (LinkedIn screenshots)
- Bob Seely as a Member of Parliament representing the Isle of Wight, failed to communicate appropriately with an ARUP professional.
- The MP failed to respond twice to an IOW constituent (Carl Feeney’s) questions.
Pro-Link believes that Bob Seely was fully aware that Jonathan Turton is the ARUP Director responsible for producing the scope of proposal for the Solent Freedom Tunnel viability study.
Pro-Link believes that Bob Seely knew of Jonathan Turton’s personal frustration of using rail based transport, by viewing simple web based research.
Pro-Link believes that Bob Seely understood that his friend Alex Kornman knows Jonathan Turton, who could be a conduit of initial introduction.
The two scenarios therein:
Pro-Link believes that Bob Seely was introduced by Alex Kornman to influence ARUP to block or slow down the viability study until after the Fiera deal had finalised. (Details below)
Pro-Link believes that Alex Kornman introduced Bob Seely without the knowledge that Bob Seely was attempting to have Jonathan Turton drop the viability study in order to render the Fixed Link Campaign ineffective. Bob Seely would nurture a relationship with Jonathan Turton first using the premise of securing funding and progress for Midlands rail infrastructure… and then use that relationship to destroy Jonathans relationship with Pro-Link and Carl Feeney. This very tactic was successfully used by the MP to destroy Pro-Links working relationship with TIM COOPER OF ABLE CONNECTIONS LTD. If Bob Seely had been successful in his bid with Jonathan Turton, it would have been a huge setback for Pro-Link.
With both scenarios, the MP is abusing his position as MP to protect the Isle of Wight ferry companies, while not representing the best interests of Isle of Wight constituents. There has been a flagrant misuse regarding the status of MP, contravening several codes of parliamentary conduct.
Who is Jonathan Turton?
ARUP is the Transport Consultancy chosen by Pro-Link to perform the SOLENT FREEDOM TUNNEL VIABILITY STUDY.
Jonathan Turton is the ARUP Director of Business and Investor Advisory that Carl Feeney has been specifically communicating with, for over three years. Jonathan has assisted with guidance during the fixed link campaign while formerly as Director of Deal Advisory at KPMG. He has a wealth of high level professional infrastructure experience spanning over two decades. Several meetings have taken place including when Jonathan spoke to the full IOW Council regarding the plans in 2017. The new MP at the time – Bob Seely listened remotely from London on a laptop. Tim Cooper of Able Connections Ltd also spoke at that Council presentation. To find out what eventually happened to Tim Cooper… CLICK HERE
ARUP’s’ involvement with the Solent Freedom Tunnel project via Jonathan Turton has been highly publicised in local and national media and on this website.
Jonathan resides in the Midlands and suffers personally with consistent delays and disruption with UK rail transport. A selection of Jonathans’ LinkedIn posts around the time of November / December 2018 are below:
Who is Alex Kornman and what is Macquarie investment Bank?

Alex works for Maquarie investment bank and is Senior Vice President within the business. Macquarie bought Wightlink in 2005 until 2015 when Basalt bought the Company. In the summer of 2018, Basalt requested Macquarie to act for them to negotiate and sell a 50% share of Wightlink to Canadian equity fund ‘Fierra’. This decision to sell came on the back of Red Funnels’ sale, that had previously advertised a price of £250million, but sold for £370million. This was an extraordinary 18 times EBITDA.
The 50% sale of Wightlink began in late 2018, just as the ARUP Solent Freedom Tunnel viability study came into the media glare. For the study to have started at that stage, would have been a disaster for the sale price. Coincidentally, the IOW MP during the same period, had been fabricating information in attempts to discredit Pro-Link and Carl Feeney, while also influencing individuals and island businesses not to assist funding the SFT viability study.

This email thread below, gives a further understanding of the MP’s intents to interfere with the Solent Freedom tunnel viability study and ultimately destroy the campaign, while ignoring the cross Solent Transport problems.
—–Original Message—–
From: Alex Kornman (MacCap) <Alex.Kornman@macquarie.com>
Sent: 09 January 2019 19:02
To: Jonathan Turton <Jonathan.Turton@arup.com>
Cc: Bob Seely MP <bob.seely@ymail.com>
Subject: [External] Introduction
Happy new year! I hope you had a good holiday?
Let me please introduce you to Bob Seely, MP for the Isle of Wight. Bob is — among other things — interested in (i) ways the government can be more efficient in delivering infrastructure improvements and (ii) what infrastructure improvements the government should be focusing on.
Given your new role and broader team, I thought you would be a good person to connect with, and that you might have some time to discuss with Bob.
Can I leave it with you to connect to Bob?
Kind regards,
—–Original Message—–
From: Jonathan Turton
Sent: 09 January 2019 19:28
To: ‘Alex Kornman (MacCap)’ <Alex.Kornman@macquarie.com>
Cc: Bob Seely MP <bob.seely@ymail.com>
Subject: RE: Introduction
Thanks Alex,
I had a good break thanks. How about you?
Bob – good to be introduced by email and happy to help / discuss where I can.
However, in the interests of transparency I should raise an immediate matter which is that I am the director in Arup who has offered to help the Island with the proposed fixed link study should the funding be raised.
Having examined the case initially when I was in charge of the transport team at KPMG a couple of years ago, I am pretty familiar with the potential economics and how such schemes work commercially and financially in other places.
I am unclear on your position with regard to the study – I am staying completely neutral, objective and independent and trying to steer well clear of the politics which I know are challenging – but I would imagine that as MP you would be as keen as mustard to get such a study done to get professional, evidence based answers to the questions posed by the infra task force?
Kind Regards
Jonathan Turton
Director | Business and Investor Advisory
Rose Wharf, 78 East Street Leeds LS9 8EE United Kingdom t +44 (0) 113 242 8498 m +44 (0) 7917 173000 jonathan.turton@arup.com www.arup.com
On 9 Jan 2019, at 19:30, Jonathan Turton <Jonathan.Turton@arup.com> wrote:
In the interests of total transparency, I was sent an introductory email to Bob Seely by an investment bank today. I share my reply below.
As you know, as a professional adviser, I need to stay entirely independent of the politics around the study to maintain objectivity at all times should the study go ahead.
For this reason I wanted to share my reply and make you aware.
Kind Regards
Jonathan Turton
Director | Business and Investor Advisory
From: bob seely
Sent: 11 January 2019 09:52
To: Alex Kornman (MacCap)
Cc: Jonathan Turton ; Oscar Bicket
Subject: [External] Re: Introduction
Thank you for chatting and very good to see you again.
Hi. I would be very interested in talking about railway infrastructure with you. Would you be available to chat by phone at some point? Alex has mentioned you have very considerable expertise in the area.
Robert Seely MP
Member of Parliament, Isle of Wight
01983 220 220
Northwood House
Cowes, Isle of Wight
PO31 8AZ
Bob Seely, the Island’s MP: working hard for the Isle of Wight. Find me on:
From: Jonathan Turton
Sent: 11 January 2019 10:53
To: bob seely <bob.seely@ymail.com>
Cc: Oscar Bicket <oscar.bicket@parliament.uk>; Amy Stone <Amy.Stone@arup.com>
Subject: RE: [External] Re: Introduction
Hi Bob,
Yes sure, I know a little bit about railway infrastructure, but wouldn’t claim to be an expert.
Very happy to have a chat though and understand what you are thinking about.
I am pretty flat out next week but could schedule a call in the w/c 21st January if that works?
Amy – please can you try to book something in with Bob.
Kind Regards
Jonathan Turton
Director | Business and Investor Advisory
—–Original Message—–
From: Carl Feeney <feeneycarl@yahoo.co.uk>
Sent: 25 March 2019 12:39
To: Jonathan Turton <Jonathan.Turton@arup.com>
Subject: [External] Re: Introduction
Hi Jon… Hope all is well with you.
Referring to the email thread below with yourself, Bob Seely and Alex… have there been any developments at all over the last couple of months? My enquiry is more geared to understanding how Bob Seely reacted to the very sensible notion that he should be keen to gain professional, evidence based information regarding the proposed IOW Fixed Link scheme.
It would be interesting to know his thoughts on that, but if I’m putting you in an awkward position… I’d understand – just say.
Kind regards.
Carl J Feeney
On 25 Mar 2019, at 12:59, Jonathan Turton <Jonathan.Turton@arup.com> wrote:
Hi Carl,
It is an easy question. I never got so much as reply to my email. Haven’t heard anything at all since.
Will give you a ring for a catch up soon.
Kind Regards
Jon.Jonathan Turton
Director | Business and Investor Advisory
—–Original Message—–
From: Carl Feeney <feeneycarl@yahoo.co.uk>
Sent: 25 March 2019 16:16
To: Jonathan Turton <Jonathan.Turton@arup.com>
Subject: [External] Re: Introduction
Hi Jon
It’s pretty clear what he was up to. Of all the Directors of all the companies of all the world… and he chose to be introduced to your good self.
Unfortunately, the island does have an MP who is personally rewarded to protect the existing cross Solent providers. The predetermined agenda was orchestrated far before he became MP I’m afraid. It all feels like a Jeffrey Archer plot… but non fictional.
Yes, catch up soon Jon… that will be good.
All the best.
Carl J Feeney
Tel +44 (0) 7880540778
7th May 2019.
Dear Mr Seely.
PO30 1XN.
From: Carl Feeney <feeneycarl@yahoo.co.uk>
Date: 23 April 2019 at 07:01:14 BST
To: Bob Seely <bob.seely.mp@parliament.uk>
Subject: 3rd attempt with new email address. Questions. Carl Feeney / PRO-LINK
Dear Mr Seely.I have tried twice to send the email below to two of your email addresses with ‘failure notices’ in response to both. I am now trying your new Parliament address. Hopefully, this will be successful. Please reply to this third communication.——-This is a fairly long communication to you, with quite a few questions. I do hope you find time to answer with full transparency and honesty.Our personal history together has been fraught. I am personally performing a campaign to implement a cross Solent fixed link dubbed the ‘Solent Freedom Tunnel’… and you in your own words, are “hostile” to that cause. We first met at the Royal Yacht Squadron… two months after your election, along with my then campaign partner Tim Cooper. We politely enquired as to access you the IOW MP, for combined discussions regarding the SFT campaign subject. Your suggestion was that we should make arrangements to travel to London for those discussions at the end of September – some two months later, citing that you had no ‘surgery’ to meet on the island at that stage’. You explained that you had no desire to contemplate the subject. We felt rather rudely ‘shrugged off to be honest. Prior to the gathering at the RYC, you had described the SFT scheme in media reports as an “Airy Fairy” idea… so we were not totally surprised upon your negative stance. Nevertheless, Tim and I pursued the London meeting and did eventually find you at Portcullis House in the December of 2016.Subsequent to that, several ‘post meeting’ emails were exchanged between yourself and Tim Cooper that are now published on the SFT website. I was happy to allow Tim to take the lead with these emails to avoid cross communication. You ultimately ended that exchange with a request for Tim specifically to “talk again late January” with you. https://solentfreedomtunnel.co.uk/the-new-mp-bob-seely-thoughts-on-a-link/A couple of months passed by, with Tim becoming unusually quiet towards me, displaying also irrational argumentative behaviour. I enquired if any communications were evolving between you and he? Tim informed me that he was unable to tell me, as you Bob Seely was now his “client” and as such he couldn’t breach “client confidentiality”.Prior to the London meeting and immediately after, Tim and I had enjoyed a great working relationship that culminated in a good friendship with many hours spent at each other’s family houses for dinners, entertainments etc.Shortly after the email from you asking Tim specifically to get in touch with you… our enjoyable and productive relationship became strained with Tim irrationally becoming combative. Evidence provided on the Solent Freedom Tunnel website page: https://solentfreedomtunnel.co.uk/https://solentfreedomtunnel.co.uk/mp-bob-seelys-attempts-discredit-carl-feeney-campaign/ It is clear your intention was to offer Tim influential government work (albeit pro bono) to entice and persuade him away from the SFT campaign. Tim did in fact confirm to me that your stipulated requirement was for him not to discuss the Solent Tunnel in any meetings with you. Again, all this is backed up by evidence.At this time, it was subsequently revealed that Tim had made advances to Alan Marriot – editor at the IOW County Press with whom I had a good previous relationship, to undermine my credibility. It transpired that Tim also detrimentally communicated with the many contacts I introduced him to within the campaign framework, to again undermine my credibility with each of them. Concurrent efforts by Tim to place the company of Able Connections in jeopardy were also undertaken… a company I managed to save once I realised what was going on… Again… plenty of evidence. Whatever you had promised Tim, certainly influenced him greatly enough to purposely ruin the good work he and I had arduously performed over the previous year. The relationship between Tim and I was finally torn apart at the ‘Ask the MP’ event at Shanklin. I asked why you are obstructing a fixed link study and rather answering the question, you claimed to an audience of COC business leaders (in my absence later) that Tim described me to you as “poisonous” and that he can’t work with me. At no stage had I given cause for Tim to say such a thing. Your statement was false. My credibility was vindictively undermined to the point of demonising. It has come to my attention also, that you are using your influence as MP to actively communicate that the fixed link campaign is abusive towards you and should be ignored. This I take particular exception to. I remove anything remotely abusive on the FB group immediately when monitoring permits. Opinions that differ from your own should not be considered “abuse” Mr Seely. I must remind you that you unapologetically referred to the United States President as a ‘Moron’. That in my eyes is far more abusive than you’ll see on the FL campaign group.It is clear throughout, your strategy has been to ‘use’ Tim to destroy the SFT Campaign. Poor Tim was manipulated by your influence as MP, spinning a web that Tim was unable to extract himself from, until ultimately this caused his demise from his activities with both you and I. Your strategy of ‘divide and conquer’ was successful. Tim has now found work in Ireland.I have clear evidence to back up all of the above statements Mr Seely… but we need to move on for the sake of the island.———-Mr Seely… I am about to ask you questions and as a constituent of yours, I expect honest and transparent answers please:1The cross Solent ferry company Wightlink has past and present day associations with investment bank – Macquarie.Q1/ Do you have any associations with Macquarie personally at all including investments, colleagues, family or friend relations or politically?———-2. Your good friend and orchestrator of your campaign to become MP – David Pugh, runs a lobbying company named ‘Chine Consultancy’. A witnessed conversation between David’s wife Rachael Bushby (Chine Consultancy Director) and another, confirmed that a major client of ‘Chine Consultancy’ is Wightlink. Rachael’s exact words amongst others were “You’ll never get a fixed link while Bob Seely is MP… because Wightlink is our biggest client”.Q1/ Are you assisting David Pugh to lobby for clients at Westminster in any way, directly or indirectly? This question is not confined just to Wightlink… but also IslandLine, etc. Please give names of the companies and describe the lobbying done or in progress?Q2/ Please state all government meetings (central and local) that have been undertaken by David Pugh and yourself that have not been of a party political nature? Meetings that involve IslandLine and Wightlink in any way in particular please?———-ARUP is the Infrastructure consultancy company to have proposed a scope of viability study regarding the Solent Freedom Tunnel proposed scheme.Q 1/ Have you been in touch with ARUP personally or by introduction at all since the proposal details were widely published several months ago https://solentfreedomtunnel.co.uk/the-sft-viability-study-by-arup/ … and if so, with whom within the company are you dealing with?Q2/ If you have been in touch with ARUP, please be transparent as to how those communications are progressing?———Since you have become MP, the IOW Transport Infrastructure Taskforce has been disbanded and replaced by the IOW Transport Board.The original Taskforce recommended that a fixed link feasibility study be implemented ASAP. It’s considered evidence based findings found the IOW ferry companies failed the island in virtually every metric. The ferry companies were not stakeholders in the Taskforce.Since your tenure as MP the replacement ‘IOW Transport Board’ now has all cross Solent ferry providers as stakeholders. The possibilities of fixed link study support within the board is now impossible.Q1/ Please explain your involvement regarding the removal of the Taskforce?Q2/ Please explain your involvement in setting up the IOW Transport Board?———While you answer these questions, could you please consider your position as IOW MP and the responsibilities you have to the island’s constituents.There is a clear correlation between isolation and the dire island economy, the deficient educational prospects, career opportunities and mental well-being of the young. Isolation also affects the healthcare opportunities of the old and frail… who can not physically or financially access specialist healthcare now only offered on the mainland. Just four miles away…. affluent and vibrant Hampshire, Dorset, etc has few of these problems.Isolation has been created by a political unwillingness to contemplate change. Nearly two hundred years of ferry travel across the Solent has normalised that approach… and of course the ferry companies are doing their utmost for that to continue without competition, through various avenues of influence.I emplore you to please undertake your job for the benefits of your constituents, to represent them at Westminster. Demonising at any chance those who are altruistically campaigning to improve the prospects for the island and islanders, is surely not what your job is about. Please be honest and transparent with your answers to the questions above, so that we can move forward in a far more constructive manner.Regards.Carl J Feeney
7th May 2019
From: Jonathan Turton
Sent: 06 June 2019 13:55
To: ‘bob seely’ <bob.seely@ymail.com>
Cc: ‘Oscar Bicket’ <oscar.bicket@parliament.uk>; Amy Stone <Amy.Stone@arup.com>
Subject: RE: [External] Re: Introduction
Hi Bob,
I was just going through some of my old correspondence and don’t think we ever managed to go anywhere with this discussion – is it still something you might want to talk about?
Kind Regards
Jonathan Turton
Director | Business and Investor Advisory
There has since been no response from MP – Bob Seely to Jonathan Turton.
The 50% share of Wightlink has now been sold to Fiera, arranged by Macquarie.
Wightlink owners Basalt, appoint Macquarie to deal with sale of stake of Wightlink to Fiera as explained in this 23rd April 2019 ‘Inframation’ article.
However, with a fixed link viability study under way, the share price of Wightlink would plummet.
9th January 2019
Alex Kornman – senior Vice President at Macquarie https://uk.linkedin.com/in/alex-kornman-89409011 emails ARUP Director – Jon Turton to introduce Seely who appears to use abuse his position offering his influence to Jon under the premise of mutual ‘railway’ infrastructure interest. This is virtually an identical initial scenario to how Tim Cooper was lured away from fixed link study work https://solentfreedomtunnel.co.uk/mp-bob-seelys-attempts-discredit-carl-feeney-campaign/ Jon replies to Seely and copies to Alex explaining that the fixed link study should be undertaken. Jon informs Carl Feeney of the contact made and the wording. A small email conversation between Jon and Seely regarding rail infrastructure on the 11th January, but not any mention by Seely of the fixed link study for the Isle of Wight.
25th March 2019
Carl Feeney contacts Jon Turton to find out if Bob Seely eventually replied? He didn’t, even after Jon contacting him again.
June 2019
Wightlink owners Basalt confirm sale to Fiera for undisclosed sum.